In high throughput screening, an approach to drug discovery, a large number of chemical
compounds are brought in contact with a biological target, to test if the compounds are biologically active.
At the beginning of the analysis chain, the raw data needs to be assessed and cleaned. TrendDisplay supports
this task by visualizing the vast quantity of reaction signals, showing their behavior over time, with
details always displayed in context and at several levels of detail.

TrendDisplay is used within the software suite GeneDataTM Screener for analysis of
High-Troughput Screening data.
In short
- Fast analysis of large quantity of data
- Show behavior of reaction signals over time
- Easy comparison of details in context
- Intuitive user-interface
- Customer reference: GeneData
In short
Read more about TrendDisplay in "Trend Analysis in Large Timeseries of High-Throughput Screening Data Using a Distortion-Oriented Lens with Semantic Zooming"